Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A color wheel? Really?!?!?

As a parent, we do things we didn't think not only we'd be doing, but we find ourselves discussing them, in great detail, to other parents. Who, in return, have just as good of stories to tell back. You know what I'm talking about... the gross stuff. The boogies, the burps, the vomits, and yes, the poops. What's interesting is that pre-kid, you wouldn't really talk about it. After kids, bring it on! And if you can find someone to share it with you, even better. I found myself talking with a friend about such subjects the other day, and the wonderful subject of poo came up. Not just about it, but the color of it. Amazing stuff it is (and now, if you're not into kids or a parent, this is where you will probably stop reading... no hurt feelings). In fact, it's so amazing and intriguing, that if you google such key words, you will get over 639,000 webpages addressing such topic. Just over the color. And did you know, you can even get a color wheel, explaining it all? A color wheel? What?!?! I thought those are just in art class to teach primarys, secondarys, blends... not to decipher poop color. And now, you too, are intruigued, and just make look at the color wheel yourself. And if you want to discuss it, I'm open to such talks. Yep, I'm a mom. And proud of those little "talks". Bring it on.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Oh man! I forgot it again!

Have you ever had a day where you swear you left your memory somewhere... like in another town, in bed, your other pants... somewhere besides in your head? I often think this (more often than I want to admit really). I had this thought today when grocery shopping. I was feeling fairly good at having found most of what was on my list, even a few things I had forgotten (big surprise, right?) to write down. We head to the check out and realize I forgot some crackers. So we head all the way to the back corner of the store, pick them up, and head back to the check out. We get all the way there and realize that we forgot (there's that word again) to get some juice. Where's the juice but in the far back corner, one aisle down from the crackers. So back we go. Got the juice, and back to the check out. Keep in mind that I had the super long bus cart that has the extra 2 seats attached for the girls to ride in. Overall it goes faster in the big cart, but momma gets a good workout with that thing! It's not like the store is 5 miles long, but when you're pushing a full cart plus 2 kids in it at a pretty good pace, you can really burn some calories! We check out, get home and go on with our day (praying we didn't forget anything. And as I'm writing this I remember that I forgot (yep... again) that I left softener salt out on the back porch, just waiting to be brought in. Now if I could only remember where I put the...