Friday, May 4, 2012

One of THOSE mornings...

Yep... it was one of THOSE mornings this morning. Started out great. Got the girls breakfast, dressed, playing nicely.  We decided we had time to do a quick toenail polish and then take a walk. (Mistake number one... never think you have time to do a "quick" anything... that's when things always go wrong!). We got the nail polish bag (a ziplock with all the bottles, remover and stained rags in it) and started scrubbing. Both girls had the old off, the new on. Everything was going according to plan (Mistake number two... things never go according to plan, at least not in my world). The ziploc bag fell off the couch and the bottles spilled out of the bag onto the carpet. No big deal, right? Just closed bottles. So the youngest got down and started putting them back in the bag, while I worked on finishing the oldest. Then I heard a word not always good to hear when working with nail polish... "uh-oh". I looked down and there was red polish all over her hand. Uh oh is right. Then I looked for the source, thinking a lid came off somewhere. But I wasn't so lucky. I found the source... a bottle broke when hitting another one on the way down. Ok... so clean her hand off, and then deal with the bag. Easy enough. Except when I moved the bag I noticed the polish on the carpet. Great. Fantastic. So I moved the bag off of the spot, and pursued cleaning a little polished palm and fingers. That done, I moved the bag to get it taken care of, and noticed another spot on the carpet under the bag. What?!?! How did that get there? Looking closer I notice the bag doesn't just have polish on the inside and outside, it's leaking...dripping... on the carpet. Fabulous. I rush the bag to the bathroom sink... think twice and put it in the trash can. Figured it could stay there while I work on the carpet. How do you get it off the carpet? I look it up online, to find that you should use non-acetone remover. But of course all I have is acetone... I try it. Kind of works, but it smears all over. Great. I look up other methods. Try Windex, one says.. and use a cold wet cloth. I do (all the while keeping the girls out of the mess, which for whatever reason they gravitate towards it like flies to fly paper).  It kind of works, so I figure I can cut out whatever doesn't get out. That fire out I'm feeling okay. Then I remember the mess in the trash can still yet to deal with. I could just throw it away, but I'd be tossing 20 bottles of different colors... tempting... instead I opt for cleaning it out, with a big sigh, I grab the bag and decide it would be smart to get latex gloves on. And of course the box is empty. Ugh. One by one I clean the bottles of nail polish, and opt to throw out the last 3 that's swimming in the bottom of the bag. Then I clean the sink as it has polish in it from the leaking ziploc bag. Lastly I clean my hands, which are full of polish as well. In the end, the toes got polished, the walk didn't happen, and I got a cleaning lesson. Oh.. and yes, red was the color of the polish, tan is the color of the carpet. Things never go according to plan.