Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dessert Sushi... who knew?

Dessert Sushi... so I found a little recipie that looked pretty cute for little cakes that looked like sushi rolls. And with a family Christmas gathering that included dessert around the corner, we thought we'd give it a whirl. Pound cake... check... coconut, check... frosting, check... purple fruit rolls ups... unchecked. Going to the store I found the fruit rolls ups, but also discovered that they don't come in classic flavors or colors anymore. Who knew our classic fruit rolls ups are now tie-dyed in color and flavor? And who knew that it would take a little time and trips to various stores to find a regular purple roll up? (while I say various... it's was only 3, as that's all we have in this town is 3 stores that would carry it). So I've gathered the ingredients and we get to work... found a cap from my oil pump to work to cut out the right size circle. Our 3 year old also discovered fruit rolls ups and says she's a fan. Overall when all was done, they actually turned out ok. A picture to come soon. Sprinkles for fish eggs, swedish fish for sashimi. Fun... a big messy fun, but fun. Who knew that a little time and effort could make for a fun dessert. And who knew that if you leave them out for too long, fruit rolls ups turn squishy and sticky. Not a good combination!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Hold your breath!

So we decided to tackle a bunch of home improvement projects right before Christmas... yep, crazy. In doing these projects one included changing out a light fixture. Upon doing so unfortunately a compact fluorescent was dropped and broke on our stairs going down to the basement. Run! Mercury is in those little suckers! Now what do you do? Looked online, found all kinds of instructions, problem solved. But it did get me thinking... if the CFL are supposed to be better for the environment, you'd think that disposing of them, broken or unbroken would be good for the world too. Yeah... it's not. It's kind of a pain when this happens. Made me want for a bit to just go back to the old fashioned incandescent light bulbs. At least you didn't have to hold your breath and run from the room, and look up how to take care of it. Might be worth the extra money and energy... hmmmm.....

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Am I crazy?

OK... so an idea was presented that I do a blog to write out my adventures, big and small... hence the title. Funny stuff tends to happen in everyone's life and perhaps this will give someone out there something fun to smile at. I've never been a big writer nor really enjoyed writing, but perhaps it wasn't the correct kind. I'm willing to give this a whirl, and write about my life. If anything it will give a journal to my girls when they are older, serve as a memory book. Poor girls won't have a scrapbook, as I've come to terms that I'm not a scrapbooker. Probably never will be. But I can write funny anecdotes and hopefully that will serve instead. If you choose to follow, no promises on frequency, but honesty will do. Sign up as a follower, and  sign up at the bottom to receive in a convenient email. Then comment at will, I'd love that. Enjoy, and don't forget to feed the fish at the bottom of this page (click to add food and watch what happens, crazy, right?)