Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My nose is addicted to kleenex

I got the crud. The horrible worse than normal common cold crud. Ugh. I haven't been this sick in awhile. I suppose I was due. Normally it starts with the sore throat, but this time the sneezes hit. I was caught off guard! Then I lost my voice for 2 days. It was sad telling my girls no story time as I had no voice to tell a story with. Then came the cough... wet, or dry and itchy, they are all bad. So to the drug area of the store I go. Menthol, non menthol, daytime, nighttime, generic, name brand. Does it ever work? Tried to go the natural route with a syrup with honey. Didn't work. Went through 4 bags of Reeeeeeeeeeeee-cola though! And i think I have enough tea in my veins to be considered a Chinese herbalist... except I'm not Chinese... so maybe just an herbalist? Ended up with standard NyQuil to knock me out. Worked wonders. Amazing what sleep will do. Next time I'll just go straight to the strong drugs and forget the rest! Lesson learned.

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