Sunday, January 22, 2012

Oh wait....

We decided that we needed to finally get rid of our 70's style doors in our house. You know... the hollow, stained with time and paint, mini-dented up doors with bright yellow brass handles. (Works for some, but not for us).  We were up for it, being somewhat do-it-yourselfers (probably not a real word, but you get it). So we got to work. We discovered most doors were standard size, but two of them were too narrow and had to be special ordered. So we ordered them, didn't really have a choice. I guess we could leave half our doors replaced and half old.... not really. The store called this week that they were in, so we took a trip to Sterling to pick them up from that big orange store. Quick trip in and out. (yeah right... how many times does that really happen?)  Already paid for the doors upon ordering so all we have to do is pick them up, and take them home. Oh wait... while hubby gets the doors, can I pick up some clay pots for the aquarium? No problem, those are cheap. Oh wait... and while you're doing that... can you look for some stones to put in for the fish? No problem, in the next area, those are easy too. Oh wait... and while you're in that area, can you get me a small plant for my office? No problem, easy.  So off I go with the girls, and on my way I spot some cleaner for the shower, put that in the cart too. Got the plant, check. Pots, check. Stones, check. Let's get out of here. Oh wait... while we're here let's just LOOK at exterior doors for the front and see what's in stock, what we may need to order, etc. Let's just look . And we do. And we find a door that's 50% off. And not damaged. Unheard of. We debate for about 2 min and go for it. That also means new door hardwear, and oh yeah, you'll need to paint a UV coating on it to protect it from sun damage. Check.  Oh, and the threshold that comes with the door is that bright yellow gold you were trying to get rid of on the old doors, so we'll need to fix that somehow... Finally, 45 min later, what should have been an in and out trip ended up being a few more things. Funny how that happens in that store. Somehow the possibilities of newer carpet, different paint, fixtures, inspires us to pile on more projects, that we somehow don't have time for but eventually get done. And every time we swear the next house will not be a fixer upper.

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