Thursday, January 5, 2012

Rest in Peace, Tadpole Cece

Needed to have a funeral today in our bathroom... our tadpole Cece passed away this afternoon... somewhere around 2 p.m. Not sure if she was survived by any family... not sure if she was a she... Cece came to us in the mail, which is probably what made the outcome. You see, we purchased a Grow a Frog kit for our 3 year old's birthday. It's pretty cool . Comes with a "tadpool" for them to grow in, food, sand, and a mail in certificate that you send in to get your tadpole. Unfortunetly for Cece, (named by the 3 year old, who by the way names everything Cece), she came on New Years Eve, and we weren't home. Of course. And of course that was on a Saturday, which means the post office is closed on Sunday, and then Monday for the holiday. So we expected her on Tuesday. Only to find out that the little slip that says "we missed you" has fine print... our mail carrier didn't mark anything so we assumed it would just come the next day. Never assume. When it didn't arrive we discovered the fine print. You now have to go online, fill out a bunch of info, and tell them if you will pick it up or have it delivered. We chose delievered. So by the time the holidays were over, the mix up was figured out, poor Cece had been in a plastic bag inside of a styrofoam for cube for 16 days. Yikes! We carefully pulled the little bag out, and it was still moving! Hope... Read the instructions and discovered that you can't use tap or purified water, you must use spring water in it's little pool. Not sure about anyone else, but we don't really keep that in stock at our house. Better run to the store. $.89 for a gallon, not bad. Get the pool all set up, dump the tad pole in and watch it swim... and then sink... and then not move. Uh oh. If you bump the tank a little it moves, so we breathe a sigh of relief and leave it alone. And watch. First it sits there, then it starts to slowly tip and lay at a 45 degree angle. Now I have no experience what so ever with tadpoles, but I'm thinking that's not a good thing. About 30 minutes later we check on Cece, and she's swimming around, mainly at the top. Is this a good thing? Aren't they supposed to be head down, tail up and swimming down? Oh well... swimming is better than being still. In the morning the poor thing is still alive, but not moving as well. And this time we're not sinking... we're floating at the top, sometimes swimming and sometimes floating... but the mouth is still moving so that's some action, right? Later in the afternoon it's time to feed Cece. So I bring her out, and this time for sure she's dead. She doesn't respond, is floating at a 45, but her mouth moves a little. Again, hope... it's getting smaller that hope, but still there. We feed her in hopes it will excite, but pretty sure it's too late. We go for a walk. When we return, Cece has passed. It's be fun, the 24 hours we knew her. So full of life, she wanted to see the world (maybe). And now it's time to call the company and see if we can somehow get another one and try again. Maybe this time it will arrive faster, and maybe this time it will grow legs. It will probably be named Cece.


  1. I'm glad you're writing. I've enjoyed reading through your entries.

  2. Oh That is so sad. when your next Cece comes along, you might want to put the bag into the pool to get the temperatures acclamated and then put her in her new home after about an hour. (I'm sure that wouldn't have helped this time around - but it just might next time...)

  3. so we got a new tadpole... named this one Kermit. It was cold when he arrived and was left on the front porch. Not good. And it took him 9 days to get here, that's not good. We did the warm up and then the bag in the pool, and then dumped. He's made it 12 hours longer than the first, but still not promising. :(
